The Generic 60/40 Portfolio May Need an Examination

As the holidays approach, you may be rounding up your finances for the end of the year. If so, one thing you may want to keep an eye on is the design of your financial portfolio. Your portfolio may not be set up with the best possible spread of investments and assets. If you’re using […]
Reexamining the Retirement Investment Portfolio

When talking about retirement financial planning, we often take investment strategy at face value. But what does an investment strategy really consist of? An investment strategy is utilized to help your wealth not only retain its value against inflation but hopefully grow as well. When it comes to retirement, there’s another aspect of income generation […]
Should I Convert My 401(k) To A Roth IRA?

Let’s say you’ve just changed jobs. What are you going to do with your 401(k)? You may be able to convert your 401(k) to a Roth IRA, but is that a good option for you? In this article, we’ll talk about what happens when you make this conversion and give you some examples of different […]
Target-Date Funds: The Backbone of Many Retirement Accounts

A target-date fund is an investing tool, often in the form of an ETF or mutual fund, that adjusts its investment strategy based on how much time there is until the target date. The investments are strategized for long-term growth when you are further away from the target date and strategized for wealth preservation the […]
How Long Can I Keep My Money in My Retirement Account?

In most cases, you can’t actually keep your money in your retirement accounts forever. Even if you don’t need the money from your retirement accounts, many of them will require you to begin withdrawing from them when you are 73 years old.[1] This is called a required minimum distribution (often shortened to RMD). More specifically, […]
Don’t Forget the Tried-and-True Value of Compounding Interest

If you forgot what compounding interest was, let’s refresh. Compounding interest is the process by which the interest earned on an investment is reinvested so that the initial investment grows over time. It may not seem like it, but compounding returns is a powerful tool that can significantly increase the value of an investment over […]