Before your generation, retirement had long been perceived as a time when life took a downward turn. But thanks to baby boomers, this perception has radically changed. Baby Boomers have been cool kids since their inception: introducing rock n roll, pop culture, mainstream technology, and now reshaping retirement into a time of exploration, passion, and learning. Here’s how your generation has made retirement the fun stage of life!
- Being Outside
Unlike your predecessors, you’ve said “goodbye” to card decks and bingo nights, opting to spend your days on adventures in nature, attending concerts and festivals, and traveling across the globe.1 This is a better way to keep the mind and body active in retirement and possibly an opportunity to expand your social circles, so keep at it!
- Staying Fit
Baby Boomers have replaced the old rocking chairs with sports and fitness! Some retirees train for marathons, others do Pilates and yoga, and others engage in more extreme adventures like sky diving. Your generation is limitless in its pursuit of joy at all ages, paving the way for others to do the same.
- Rethinking Beauty Standards
Gone are the days when wrinkles were smoothed out, and grey hairs tainted black. You have rewritten the rules of what beauty looks like with time, with some even beginning modeling careers well into their 60s and 70s. A classic example is news anchor Lisa LaFlamme reporting live2 with a full head of beautiful silver hair and receiving much praise from the public! Baby Boomers have demonstrated that looks are just like wine; they get better with time!
- Engaging in Modern Culture
It’s no surprise that the same generation of mainstream icons, such as Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs, has managed to stay in touch and online. Boomers can be seen all over today’s social media platforms, engaging in pop culture topics, fashions, and styles, adding their own touch as they go. Being tech-savvy is not new to your generation. If someone of the Baby Boomer generation could pioneer Apple, then it’s no wonder that the rest are just as digitally present.
- Keeping Money for Retirement
Your generation has learned what it takes to ensure all the years of your hard work pay off in retirement and now holds most of the nation’s wealth. 3 Through savings and investments, the idea of retirement has become less daunting because you are financially comfortable and can explore other parts of life. This has inspired other generations to follow in your footsteps.
Thanks to Boomers, retirement has become a time for rebirth and living life on your own terms! There is much pride to take in being part of a generation that thought ahead, worked hard, and is now rewarding itself. To keep moving onwards and upwards, find out how you can better plan and manage your finances in retirement with us. Click here to schedule your complimentary, no-obligation review today.
The article and opinions in this publication are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or Recommendations for any individual. We suggest that you consult your accountant, tax, or legal advisor with regard to your Individual situation. This content was created by Lone Beacon.
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This material was partially prepared by Lone Beacon and does not necessarily represent the views of the presenting party, nor their affiliates. The information herein has been derived from sources believed to be accurate.